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Quiz funnel: What is it and why do you require one?

October 07, 202212 min read

Have you heard the term "Quiz Funnel" prior to, however you're not totally sure what it is or whether you require one?

In this article, we will tell you precisely what a quiz funnel is and how you can utilize one to get more certified leads for your organization.

Firstly, what is a marketing funnel?

Before we talk about quiz funnels, first, you'll wish to comprehend what a marketing funnel is.

There are several marketing funnels, however the basic idea is always the same.

You take a potential client through a series of phases, where each stage either offers complimentary content or paid products.

Here's an example of a fundamental marketing funnel:

Step 1. You bring in a lead-- someone completes their contact details on your website in exchange for some material (e.g. a totally free PDF, cheat sheet or a totally free training video).


They then get contributed to your e-mail list.

Action 2. You use a low-priced item-- The lead has the chance to buy an affordable product that provides some worth without the client paying a great deal of money.

Action 3. You provide a more expensive item-- Once they have bought your very first item (and they've been impressed by it!), you can provide them a more expensive (more valuable) item.

The idea is to get more results in finish the first step. A percentage of them will buy your first deal, and then a percentage of those people will purchase the 2nd deal. And so on.

For example, it might appear like this:

Step 1: 100 leads Step 2: 20 affordable product sales Action 3: 5 high-cost product sales

As you can see, it looks a bit like a funnel, for this reason the name Marketing Funnel.


What is a quiz funnel?

A quiz funnel is a highly-effective marketing technique that permits you to provide particular content and products based upon a person's quiz score.

Utilizing a scoring system within your funnel is an effective method to hook your visitor in and keep them engaged throughout the whole funnel.

A quiz funnel has some essential differences from a traditional marketing funnel.

Rather than provide a totally free PDF or free video at the start of the funnel, you would send your traffic to a quiz. This quiz would enable individuals to submit a series of questions and turn over their contact details to see the outcomes.

A quiz funnel likewise allows you to reveal tailored outcomes and content depending on how your visitor has responded to specific questions.

With a quiz, you can likewise section your leads based upon their scores.


This means they'll get tailored emails following the quiz that are extremely practical and specific just to them. We'll go through this in more detail in this post.

Why you require a quiz funnel?

Using a quiz at the start of your funnel tends to work a lot better than a normal lead magnet because:

People enjoy taking online tests as they are enjoyable and interactive, and everyone likes to understand how well they perform. People get more value from personalized content and are more likely to give their data for tailored feedback and outcomes. Your sales conversion rate can enhance significantly due to the fact that you can use more appropriate services and products to your leads based on their scores. It reveals your leads that you care by providing tailored guidance based upon what they may be having problem with. They'll feel more than 'simply another lead.'


You'll have more data about your potential clients, which indicates you can develop services and products based upon what your leads inform you. You can take the information from the quiz and change it into stand-out material, which is unique and exciting for your audience.

As you can see, there are lots of reasons that quiz funnels work better than traditional marketing funnels.

With a quiz, you're much more most likely to transform your leads into paying customers, rapidly moving them from step one to step two. This is due to the fact that you've offered tailored guidance in a fun and amazing method, and you'll know precisely what they're dealing with, so you can pitch to them effectively.

How do you build a quiz funnel?

Okay, now for the useful bit.

Quiz funnels sound amazing, ideal? Quizzes are a far exceptional way of collecting leads and acquiring information than any other lead magnet out there.


However here's the problem, how do you develop a quiz funnel?

A quiz funnel is made up of 5 crucial areas. You can build these areas by hand utilizing numerous tools, or you could utilize an all in one software application like Quizflex.

Landing Page Quiz Questions Results Call to Action Follow up

Before we break these down, it's crucial to explain that the best quiz funnels have a crystal clear product of service to provide. If you're spending time and cash on list building then you'll wish to be 100% sure your deal and messaging is what individuals want.

Quiz funnel landing page

The landing page for your quiz is incredibly important because it's how you'll encourage more individuals to take your quiz.

At the very least, your quiz landing page must:

Entice your visitor utilizing clear, engaging copy and a popular call-to-action button Build trust utilizing premium pictures and social evidence Make a promise which tells your visitor which areas they're most likely to enhance

If you desire more leads, make certain your landing page ticks all 3 of these boxes.


Some quiz structure tools like Quizflex have some quiz landing page design templates you can quickly modify without the need for any coding. Plus, every landing page ticks all the boxes above.

Quiz concerns

The 2nd part of a quiz funnel is to ask a series of questions that your leads will require to response to get their score.

The concerns you ask can identify the success of your quiz funnel, so make certain to take some time to plan these out. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started.

Utilize a mixture of questions

Ask a mix of basic AND thought-provoking concerns. This will keep your visitor engaged with your quiz and keep them sharp right to the end.

Use basic, clear language

Usage simple language and prevent lingo so your visitor can answer quickly and they don't get tired.

Only ask question you need to

Be conscious of how many concerns you ask and keep in mind that more individuals will complete the quiz if it's short, i.e.

10-20 questions.

Make it easy

Usage multiple-choice questions that are simple and fast to select.

Most of your quiz questions ought to be light and enjoyable to motivate more individuals to remain up until the end.


Outcomes Page

When a visitor has actually completed the quiz, they see their outcomes.

Some quiz software will only enable you to see "ball game," whereas others, like Quizflex, will give your lead a complete breakdown of how they scored based upon crucial areas.

If you think of it, an easy score like 'you got 8 out of 20!' isn't truly that helpful to the user, right? They need to comprehend how they can improve. It's very crucial that you give as much value as possible to your visitor on the outcomes page, that way, they are much more most likely to buy from you in the future.

Here are a couple of suggestions for your outcomes page:

Rather than simply "providing people their quiz score", tell them why they scored the method they did and what that suggests for them.

Program your leads a breakdown of their responses or topics so you can be specific about your feedback. Provide value. Offer recommendations, assistance and support so your leads can improve their score and get better outcomes moving forward.

The outcomes page within a quiz funnel is perhaps the very best material you might ever use your audience.

If you can reveal your leads that you appreciate them by using a mix of personalized feedback and particular guidance, then your audience will love you for it! A static PDF or pre-recorded video just cannot complete.


Contact us to action

At this moment, you have actually delivered extraordinary worth and helped your leads, so now is the time to promote a product and services.

You can really pitch an item on your outcomes page.

At this moment, you currently have a lot of information about your leads, and you can be ultra-specific about the item you provide as a call to action.

You can even provide different items based upon the various ratings your leads get. This may be challenging to set up yourself, however is easy utilizing quiz structure software like Quizflex.

Here are a few choices you could pick from for your call to action:

Offer relevant items based upon scores

Obviously, not all your items will benefit your lead, however you can choose which products and services to promote based upon their rating by utilizing a quiz.

Ask leads for a call

Instead of a product or a service, you might ask people to schedule a call with you to discuss their choices. You can include a link to your calendar and offer a 15-minute chat. Naturally, some people will prefer to talk to you prior to making a buying decision.

Deal more valuable material

Some individuals might desire more content prior to buying from you.

You might want to use your call to action to get them to reserve a webinar or download a checklist. Nobody will grumble about receiving excessive value!

As you can see, there are various calls to action you can use within your quiz funnel. Do not be afraid to utilize a mix of these based on how your leads score in the quiz.

Follow up with quiz leads

Not everyone will buy from you when you offer a service or product on the quiz results page, so follow up! As part of your quiz funnel, you need to follow up with cause keep them warm and engaged. For this, you will use an e-mail sequence. If you have actually provided worth, your leads will wish to hear from you. Below are some things you'll require to develop an email sequence.

An e-mail marketing tool


Utilizing a tool like Active Campaign, Convert Kit or Mailchimp, you'll be able to automate your e-mail sequence, so you save more time.

5-10 pre-written emails

Individuals usually require to hear from you 6-8 times prior to they feel comfortable purchasing from you. This is why it's best to plan a minimum of 10 to be on the safe side.

A mix of email material

Rather than just sending long text-based emails, blend it up during the e-mail sequence. For example, you can use images within your email, link to videos consist of links to extra content.

People like to be familiar with you before purchasing from you, so having an e-mail series is an important part of your quiz funnel.

Who should use a quiz funnel?

Organizations of all shapes and sizes use quiz funnels to attract more leads and grow their earnings. Listed below, I've listed a couple of examples of services already using quiz funnels effectively.

Service-based businesses

A service-based business such as a marketing firm, accountant and interior decorator can all utilize quiz funnels to draw in leads and help them pre-qualify clients before speaking to them.

The more information you have about your potential customers, the better and more significant the conversion will be.

Training and advancement

If you are a coach (e.g. a physical fitness coach or an organization coach), you could use a quiz funnel to assist your potential customers comprehend what phase they are at and where they could be with your help.

Quiz funnels assist people measure themselves before knowing what action to take next.

Custom items

If you sell custom products such as made-to-measure furnishings or custom garden homes, then a quiz funnel will help you inform your leads so they can make an informed purchasing decision. As an outcome, leads will feel more confident and understand more about how you can assist them.

When NOT to utilize a quiz funnel?

We love quiz funnels, and there are lots of factors to utilize them. Nevertheless, there are times when using a quiz funnel might not be needed.

For instance, if you offer simple items that don't need much idea, you may not take advantage of utilizing quiz software like Quizflex.

Someone who walks into a shop and purchases a phone battery charger probably does not need to take a quiz to buy. It's quick and uncomplicated, and the individual knows what they desire.

Quiz funnel tools

Many tools enable you to construct a quiz funnel for yourself. Some will allow you to develop your whole quiz funnel from start to end up, such as Quizflex. Whereas other tools will just permit you to develop particular pieces of the puzzle.

Using Quizflex

Quizflex allows you to construct everything you require to run an effective quiz funnel.

Landing pages Quiz builder Dynamic Results page Specific call to action Follow up e-mail once someone has actually completed the quiz

The only thing you might want to add is an email marketing tool so you can deliver lasting value in time.

Naturally, you might currently have an email marketing tool like this.

Not using Quizflex

If you are developing a quiz funnel without Quizflex, you'll require to get a pen and paper and make some notes.

Developing a quiz funnel yourself implies you'll need to buy several tools to develop something that works.

This consists of:

Landing Pages software application such as Lead Pages-- From $49 (Monthly). Website Hosting to host the quiz-- $5-$ 50 (month-to-month). Stand-alone quiz software application such as interact-- From $29 (regular monthly).

There are lots of other tools you can use at numerous cost points; these are just a few of the popular quiz funnels tools aside from Quizflex.

What can you do now?

If you found this article helpful, why not have Sonfu Digital Solutions build you a quiz?

So click the link below, and let's begin.

If you wish to make a quiz, then you're in the ideal place. Whether it's online or offline, tests are ...continued.

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